Banjarmasin. Mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen berhasil meraih prestasi dibidang akademik maupun non akademik. Penghargaan atas prestasi tersebut diberikan oleh Universitas Sari Mulia, Fakultas Humaniora, Prodi Manajemen dan seluruh civitas akademika. Peraihan penghargaan ini diharapkan mampu menumbuhkan semangat dan peningkatan dalam mewujudkan mahasiswa yang berprestasi. Seperti pepatah latin mengatakan “Vincit qui se vincit”. ‘it is you who conquer yourself’, taken from a phrase coined by Publilius Syrus, a Latin writer. This phrase describes a person who is able to overcome his/her shortcomings and failures, and is able to control his emotions and actions. Everyone must have weaknesses, but only a few people are able to turn their weaknesses into strengths for their potential“.
Selamat kepada mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen yang terpilih atas prestasinya:
- Nazwa Syifa (Semester III) – Juara 1 lomba vlog Sari Mulia & Juara 2 desain poster Mandarin pada event Soedarto Cup UNISM
- Teresia Miranti (Semester V) – Mahasiswi Berprestasi Prodi Manajemen
- Maulida Putri Andini (Semester V) – Mahasiswi Berprestasi Prodi Manajemen
- Lista Vernita (Semester V) – Mahasiswi Berprestasi Prodi Manajemen
- Siti Julianti (Semester V) – Mahasiswi Berprestasi Prodi Manajemen
- Mirmaraditha Widyani (Semester V) – Mahasiswi Berprestasi Prodi Manajemen
- Amista Dwi Septila (Semester V) – Mahasiswi Berprestasi Prodi Manajemen
- Lisa Norsari (Semester V) – Mahasiswi Berprestasi Prodi Manajemen
- Warni (Semester VII) – Mahasiswi Berprestasi Prodi Manajemen & Mahasisiwi Berprestasi Terbaik II Program Sarjana Universitas Sari Mulia
“Per angusta ad augusta” . This phrase means ‘from adversity to glory’. From this phrase you can learn that if you want to be successful, then you have to go through difficulties and obstacles first. You must have the courage to face what you will face. Every successful person does not merely achieve success instantly. They go through various hardships and pressures before finally getting what they want. So, there is no need to be afraid to face various obstacles and obstacles. Convince yourself that what you are facing is only temporary and you will definitely reap the results that are worth your struggle.